Artificial Joint Replacement In Fingers: What To Expect
Joint arthroplasty, or artificial joint replacement of the finger, is often used to ease the pain of arthritis in the fingers when all non-surgical options have failed to provide relief. Joint replacement surgery is the process of replacing your finger’s joint surfaces in order to ease the stiffness, pain, and immobility that arises in arthritic patients. When performed by an orthopedic surgeon with experience in non-invasive joint replacement surgery, the recovery time is minimal, and the results can be phenomenal. Here we provide a brief overview of the procedure, explain when the procedure is recommended, and offer some insight on what to expect during the procedure and recovery.
When To Request An Appointment For Joint Replacement Surgery
Joint replacement surgery is best suited for older, mildly active patients suffering from arthritic pain that has not responded to non-surgical options. Joint replacement surgery is designed to give these patients relief from the day-to-day pain of the condition, increased range of motion for daily tasks, and improved overall hand function. If you’ve exhausted all non-surgical options and are still suffering from pain and stiffness in your fingers, contact an orthopedic surgeon to discuss joint replacement.
How To Prepare For The Procedure
Once joint replacement surgery has been decided upon as the best course of action for you, here is how you should prepare. Most finger surgeries can be done on an outpatient basis. You will arrive early in the morning, having been instructed not to eat or drink anything after midnight. Once you arrive, you will be prepared for surgery. The surgery itself doesn’t take long, and you will be wheeled to a recovery room following the procedure. You will remain there until you have recovered from the effects of anesthesia. Once you are well enough to go home, you will be sent home with discharge instructions.
Recovering From Joint Replacement Surgery
Recovery from joint replacement surgery can take up to three months. A physical and an occupational therapist will work closely with you to assist in the rehabilitation of your fingers. You will be provided with physical therapy techniques designed to improve mobility and strength in your newly replaced joints. You will also be given some techniques for accomplishing daily tasks without placing too much stress on your fingers. As with any surgery, minimal use is suggested for a few weeks. You and your physical therapist will work together to aid in optimal recovery.
Contacting An Orthopedic Surgeon
If living with the pain associated with arthritic fingers has become too much, contact our orthopedic surgeons today to speak with an experienced joint surgeon. Recovery starts with a call for a consultation. Call NJ Hand and Wrist today!